Seamless communication and collaboration are essential for productivity and success.

Enter Zoho Cliq, a powerful team communication tool designed to streamline interactions, enhance collaboration, and boost efficiency. Let’s explore how Zoho Cliq can transform your workplace and create a more connected and productive work environment.

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Transforming Workplace Communication Effortlessly with Zoho Cliq 7

Real-Time Communication

Zoho Cliq facilitates real-time team communication through instant messaging, allowing team members to stay connected and share information quickly. This immediate exchange of ideas and updates reduces delays and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Whether it's a quick question or a critical update, Zoho Cliq ensures that your team can respond promptly.

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Transforming Workplace Communication Effortlessly with Zoho Cliq 8

Organized Conversations with Channels

One of the standout features of Zoho Cliq is its use of channels. Channels are dedicated spaces for specific topics, projects, or teams. By organizing conversations into channels, Zoho Cliq helps prevent information overload and keeps discussions focused. Team members can join channels relevant to their work, ensuring they receive pertinent information without unnecessary distractions.

file sharing online through Zoho Cliq
Transforming Workplace Communication Effortlessly with Zoho Cliq 9

Integration with Other Tools

Zoho Cliq seamlessly integrates with various third-party applications and Zoho's suite of products. This integration capability allows teams to access and share information from different tools within a single platform. Whether it's pulling data from your CRM, sharing files from cloud storage, or scheduling meetings, Zoho Cliq's integrations enhance efficiency by reducing the need to switch between multiple applications.

Explore how you can migrate from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq for enhanced collaboration here.

Enhanced Collaboration with File Sharing and Video Conferencing

Collaboration is at the heart of Zoho Cliq’s functionality. The platform supports file sharing, enabling team members to share documents, images, and other files directly within the chat. Additionally, Zoho Cliq offers built-in video conferencing, making it easy to conduct virtual meetings, brainstorming sessions, and presentations. With its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, Zoho Cliq simplifies the complexities of modern workplace communication, making it an indispensable tool for teams striving for seamless collaboration. These features ensure that teams can collaborate effectively, regardless of their physical location.

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Transforming Workplace Communication Effortlessly with Zoho Cliq 10

Customization and Automation with Bots and Commands

Zoho Cliq offers extensive customization options through its bots and commands. Bots can be programmed to automate routine tasks, such as sending reminders, tracking project progress, or fetching data from other applications. Commands allow users to perform specific actions directly within the chat interface, streamlining workflows and saving time. This level of customization and automation helps teams work smarter, not harder.

Zoho Cliq Mobile Accessibility

In an era of remote work and on-the-go professionals, mobile accessibility is crucial. Zoho Cliq’s mobile app ensures that team members can stay connected and productive no matter where they are. The mobile app offers the same robust features as the desktop version, including instant messaging, file sharing, and video conferencing, ensuring that work doesn't come to a halt when team members are away from their desks.

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Transforming Workplace Communication Effortlessly with Zoho Cliq 11

Improved Transparency and Accountability

Zoho Cliq enhances transparency and accountability within teams. The platform's messaging history and searchable chat logs allow team members to revisit past conversations, decisions, and shared files. This transparency ensures that everyone has access to the information they need and helps prevent misunderstandings. Additionally, the ability to track project updates and milestones within Zoho Cliq fosters accountability and keeps everyone aligned with their goals.

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Transforming Workplace Communication Effortlessly with Zoho Cliq 12

Key Takeaways

Zoho Cliq is more than just a messaging app; it’s a comprehensive communication and collaboration tool that can significantly improve the workplace. By facilitating real-time communication, organizing conversations, integrating with other tools, enhancing collaboration, offering customization and automation, ensuring mobile accessibility, and promoting transparency and accountability, Zoho Cliq empowers teams to work more efficiently and effectively. 

Get started with Zoho Cliq and transform your workplace into a hub of productivity and innovation.

Having a customer relationship management (CRM) system that adapts to your unique needs is a game-changer. 

Enter Zoho Canvas, a revolutionary feature within the Zoho CRM ecosystem that empowers users to design and customize their CRM interface to reflect their business's specific workflows and aesthetic preferences. This blog post will delve into what Zoho Canvas is, its benefits, and how it can transform your CRM experience.

Custom components in Zoho Canvas by Woggle Consulting
What is Zoho Canvas? A Deep Dive into Customizing Your CRM effectively 17

Understanding Zoho Canvas

Zoho Canvas is a drag-and-drop interface design tool that allows users to create custom views for their CRM data. Unlike traditional CRM interfaces that can feel rigid and one-size-fits-all, Zoho Canvas offers a high degree of flexibility, enabling businesses to tailor the look and feel of their CRM to better align with their processes and branding.

With Zoho Canvas, you are not just limited to the standard layouts provided by your CRM. You can design a user interface (UI) that suits your specific needs, whether that means creating a minimalist view for quick data entry or a detailed layout that provides comprehensive customer insights at a glance.

Key Features of Zoho Canvas

Drag-and-Drop Interface: The intuitive drag-and-drop functionality of Zoho Canvas makes it accessible to users of all technical backgrounds. You don’t need to know how to code to create a beautiful and functional interface.

Custom Views: Create custom views that cater to different departments within your organization. For instance, your sales team might need a detailed view of client interactions, while your support team might benefit from a streamlined ticket management layout.

Rich Text Formatting: Enhance your data presentation with rich text formatting options. This feature allows you to use various fonts, colors, and styles to highlight important information and improve readability.

Custom Components: Add custom components such as images, buttons, and widgets to your CRM interface. These elements can help you create a more engaging and user-friendly experience.

Conditional Formatting: Use conditional formatting to automatically change the appearance of data fields based on specific criteria. This can help you quickly identify important information, such as overdue tasks or high-value leads.

Reusable Templates: Save time by creating reusable templates for common layouts. These templates can be applied across different modules, ensuring a consistent look and feel throughout your CRM.

Rich text formatting in Zoho Canvas by Woggle Consulting
What is Zoho Canvas? A Deep Dive into Customizing Your CRM effectively 18

Benefits of Using Zoho Canvas

Enhanced Usability: By customizing your CRM interface, you can create a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. This can lead to increased adoption rates among your team and improved overall efficiency.

Improved Data Visualization: Zoho Canvas allows you to present your data in a way that makes sense for your business. Custom views and conditional formatting help ensure that important information is easily accessible and visually appealing.

Tailored Workflow: Different teams within your organization have different needs. Zoho Canvas enables you to create interfaces that align with each team’s specific workflows, improving productivity and reducing friction.

Brand Consistency: A customized CRM interface can help reinforce your brand identity. By incorporating your company’s colors, logos, and design elements, you can create a cohesive experience that aligns with your overall branding strategy.

Scalability: As your business grows and evolves, so too can your CRM interface. Zoho Canvas makes it easy to adjust and expand your layouts to accommodate new processes, teams, and data sources.

Drag-and-drop interface in Zoho Canvas by Woggle Consulting
What is Zoho Canvas? A Deep Dive into Customizing Your CRM effectively 19

How to Get Started with Zoho Canvas

1. Accessing Zoho Canvas: To begin using Zoho Canvas, log in to your Zoho CRM account. Navigate to the module you want to customize and select the “Canvas” option from the view settings.

2. Designing Your Layout: Use the drag-and-drop editor to design your custom layout. Add fields, components, and formatting as needed to create a view that suits your business requirements.

3. Preview and Publish: Once you’re satisfied with your design, preview it to ensure everything looks and functions as expected. Make any necessary adjustments, then publish your layout for your team to use.

4. Training and Adoption: Introduce your team to the new interface and provide training to help them get the most out of the customized views. Encourage feedback and be prepared to make further tweaks based on their input.

5. Ongoing Optimization: Regularly review and update your CRM layouts to ensure they continue to meet your business needs. Zoho Canvas makes it easy to iterate and improve your designs over time.

Real-World Applications of Zoho Canvas

Imagine a sales team that needs quick access to lead information while on the go. With Zoho Canvas, you can create a mobile-friendly view that prioritizes key data fields and includes action buttons for common tasks like calling or emailing leads. Alternatively, a customer support team might benefit from a detailed ticket view that includes customer history, priority levels, and resolution times, all designed to streamline the support process.

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Key Takeaways

Zoho Canvas is a powerful tool that transforms how businesses interact with their CRM data. By offering customization options, it enables organizations to create interfaces that enhance usability, improve data visualization, and align with unique workflows. Whether you’re looking to increase team efficiency, maintain brand consistency, or scale your operations, Zoho Canvas provides the flexibility and functionality you need to take your CRM to the next level.

Do you need a hand with implementation? Chat with our team about the best solutions for your business.

Thinking about making the switch from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq? 

Great choice! 

Zoho Cliq is a fantastic platform for team collaboration, offering a streamlined, user-friendly experience that can take your productivity to the next level. If you're ready to make the move but aren’t sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the benefits of Zoho Cliq and guide you through the migration process in a few easy steps. 

Boost productivity with Zoho Cliq
How to Migrate from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq: A Smooth Transition to Better Collaboration 27

Why Zoho Cliq?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of migration, let’s talk about why Zoho Cliq is a brilliant choice:

Intuitive Interface: Zoho Cliq’s clean, straightforward interface is easy to navigate, allowing you to focus on what really matters—collaborating with your team.

Customizable Workflows: With Cliq, you can tailor workflows to suit your specific needs. It integrates seamlessly with other Zoho apps and third-party tools, providing a cohesive work environment.

Real-Time Messaging and Collaboration: Enjoy robust messaging features, including channels, direct messages, and even video calls, all designed to keep your team connected and productive.

Enhanced Security: Zoho Cliq strongly emphasizes security, ensuring that your communications are encrypted and your data is protected.

Cost-Effective: Zoho Cliq offers excellent value for money, making it a budget-friendly option without compromising quality.

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How to Migrate from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq: A Smooth Transition to Better Collaboration 28

Steps to Migrate from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq

Now that you’re sold on the benefits, let’s walk through the migration process.

1. Assess Your Current Setup

Start by taking stock of your current Microsoft Teams setup. Identify your channels, groups, and users and any important data or files stored within the platform. This will help you plan your migration and ensure nothing gets left behind.

2. Prepare Your Team

Communication is key! Inform your team about the upcoming change and provide them with an overview of Zoho Cliq’s features. Encourage them to explore the platform and offer training sessions or resources to help them get up to speed.

3. Set Up Zoho Cliq

Sign up for Zoho Cliq if you haven’t already. Once your account is set up, create channels and groups that mirror your existing Microsoft Teams structure. This will make the transition smoother for everyone involved.

Explore the benefits of Zoho Cliq
How to Migrate from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq: A Smooth Transition to Better Collaboration 29

4. Export Data from Microsoft Teams

 Export your important data from Microsoft Teams. This can include chat histories, files, and user lists. Microsoft provides tools and options for exporting this data, which can typically be found in the admin settings.

5. Import Data to Zoho Cliq

Use Zoho Cliq’s import features to bring your data into the new platform. You may need to manually upload files and copy over chat histories, but the intuitive interface makes this process relatively painless.

6. Integrate with Other Tools

Zoho Cliq integrates seamlessly with a variety of other tools, including the rest of the Zoho suite and popular third-party apps. Set up these integrations to ensure your workflows remain uninterrupted and your team has access to all the tools they need.

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How to Migrate from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq: A Smooth Transition to Better Collaboration 30

7. Test and Optimize

Once everything is set up, spend some time testing Zoho Cliq with your team. Make sure all channels, groups, and integrations are working as expected. Gather feedback from your team and make any necessary adjustments to optimize the platform for your specific needs.

8. Train and Support Your Team

Provide ongoing support and training for your team as they get accustomed to Zoho Cliq. Utilize Zoho’s help resources, tutorials, and customer support to address any questions or issues that arise.

Enhance collaboration with Zoho Cliq
How to Migrate from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq: A Smooth Transition to Better Collaboration 31

Read more about how to easily integrate Zoho with other cloud services.

The Benefits of Moving to Zoho Cliq

Making the switch to Zoho Cliq isn’t just about changing platforms; it’s about enhancing your team’s collaboration and productivity. With its user-friendly interface, customizable workflows, and seamless integrations, Zoho Cliq offers a more streamlined and efficient way to communicate and collaborate. Plus, with its cost-effective pricing, you get top-notch features without breaking the bank.

Integrate Zoho Cliq with other tools for efficiency
How to Migrate from Microsoft Teams to Zoho Cliq: A Smooth Transition to Better Collaboration 32

Key Takeaways

So, if you’re ready to make the move, follow these steps, and you’ll enjoy Zoho Cliq's benefits in no time. If you’re new to Zoho, welcome! Their products are superior and they’re an amazing company with outstanding humanitarian efforts

Get started with Zoho Cliq here. As Zoho Partners, our team of experts is here to help your team seamlessly move to Zoho platforms. Get in touch

Our friends at Lucent Creative, a woman-owned digital marketing agency, have a few tips for navigating marketing in 2024.

New year, new approach–it’s time to sharpen our content planning game. The days of throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks are long gone. In this era of information overload, strategic content planning is the secret sauce for cutting through the noise and capturing your audience's attention. 

So, grab your coffee, and let's embark on a journey into the future of content planning.

SEO Strategy
Content Planning in 2024: Navigating the Projected Trends Successfully 37

Understanding Your Audience: It's Personal

In 2024, it's all about understanding your audience on a personal level. Consumers are craving content that speaks directly to their needs, preferences, and pain points. Start by diving deep into your audience personas – who are they, what keeps them up at night, and how does your content make their lives better?

Leverage data analytics and social listening tools to gain insights into your audience's behavior. What are they clicking on? What are they sharing? Understanding your audience's digital footprint is key to creating content that resonates. Personalization is the name of the game, and the more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your content to meet their expectations.

Bonus! Master your social media campaign with this blog post.

The Rise of Interactive Content: Engage 

Static content is no longer enough; your audience wants to be a part of the experience. From quizzes and polls to interactive infographics and 360-degree videos, the possibilities are endless. Interactive content keeps your audience engaged and invested in your brand.

Make interactive elements a priority in your 2024 content calendar. Host live Q&A sessions, create polls on social media to gather opinions, etc. The more you can involve your audience in the content creation process, the more connected they'll feel to your brand.

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Content Planning: Quality Over Quantity

In the age of information overload, quality trumps quantity. In 2024, it's not about bombarding your audience with a constant stream of content. It’s about creating meaningful, high-quality pieces that add value. Invest time in researching and producing well-crafted content that solves problems, educates, or entertains. Whether it's a blog post, video, or podcast episode, make it worth your audience's time. Consumers are looking for substance and authenticity.

Video Content is Essential in 2024

If video content wasn't at the top of your content planning list before, it should be now. Video content is no longer optional; it's essential for capturing and retaining audience attention. Whether it's short-form content for social media or long-form storytelling on YouTube, video is the medium of choice for many consumers.

Incorporate a variety of video formats into your content strategy. Think about how-to videos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, customer testimonials, and even interactive live streams. Video not only allows you to convey information more dynamically but also helps humanize your brand and establish a deeper connection with your audience.

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Bonus! Read about optimizing your blog with video in 2024 here.

SEO Still Matters

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is still a crucial element of content planning in 2024. The way people search may evolve, but the importance of being discoverable on search engines remains. Keep a keen eye on emerging SEO trends, such as the rise of voice search and the continued emphasis on user experience.

Craft content with relevant keywords, but prioritize natural language and readability. Google's algorithms are getting smarter, and they're favoring content that provides a good user experience. Focus on creating content that answers questions, solves problems, and keeps users engaged – this will naturally boost your SEO rankings.

Leveraging AI for Content Insights

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't just for sci-fi movies; it's a game-changer in the world of content planning. AI can analyze data, predict trends, and even suggest optimizations for your content strategy.

Explore AI-powered tools for content creation, such as automated writing assistance or image recognition for visual content. AI can help you understand what content is resonating with your audience, predict future trends, and optimize your content strategy for maximum impact. It's like having a digital ally that guides you through the ever-evolving landscape of content creation.

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Before You Go

From understanding your audience on a personal level to embracing interactive and high-quality content, the rules of the game are evolving. Video is king, SEO is still relevant, and the power of AI and UGC is undeniable. So, roll up your sleeves, stay agile, and embark on your content odyssey armed with the trends that will shape the narrative in 2024. 

Need a hand with content in 2024? Get in touch with Lucent Creative’s team of marketing professionals.

Emails still rank at the top of the charts in marketing and are crazy-successful  if you execute them correctly. 

Even with new social media platforms bursting onto the scene at what seems to be daily, a good old-fashioned email campaign still performs the best. Here are a few stats from HubSpot showing just how big of a punch emails throw at the competing platforms.

These stats are proof that you have a willingly captive audience that your organization only needs to tap into.

So, how do you create an email marketing campaign that engages your audience, generates new leads, and increases revenue? Don’t worry. We reached out to our partners at Lucent Creative, a female-owned digital marketing agency, and they agreed to give you the exact formula for a wildly successful email marketing campaign!

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Successful Email Marketing 45

Set Your Goal

“Casting a wide net with your email campaign isn’t the key to success. You want to be specific by setting an overall goal for each campaign.”,  Lucent Creative’s Founder and CEO, Kendall Walker shares. 

Here are a few examples of goals you can associate with your email campaigns:

Lucent Creative’s copywriter, Nikki Newbauer, spoke to the value of setting specific goals. “Knowing your overarching goal for the email campaign will create synchronicity for your creative team. Everyone from your copywriter to graphic designer will be on the same page which creates a clear and concise path for your readers to follow.”

Below are the general categories most email campaigns fall under.

The more specific you are with the intention of your email campaign, the more success you will have in reaching your intended audience and reaching your goal. 

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Successful Email Marketing 46

Create Enticing Subject Lines

“Readers will either opt-in by opening your email or deleting based on the subject line. Of course, you always hope your content will be enticing enough that email subscribers will open every email from your brand, but that isn’t the case.”, Nikki added.

Pro Tip: Spruce up your email subject lines with emojis and by using the subscriber’s first name.

Here are great subject lines to stir some engagement with your emails.

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Successful Email Marketing 47

Write for Humans

Of course, you want your writing to reflect the underlying goal of the email, but nothing gets people to unsubscribe from your email list faster than impersonal content. Write for humans, not sales (or whatever your email campaign endgame is). “If you choose to use AI platforms like ChatGPT to generate your email copy, please edit with a heavy hand. AI platforms may be able to churn out copy on a whim, but the writing is typically riddled with impersonal verbiage that isn’t relatable to readers.”, Nikki stresses.

Deep-Dive: To see more of our take on ChatGPT in marketing, read this post.

Nikki gave us a few tips to follow to make your email campaign a success. 

Watch Your Analytics

Test your emails to see what your subscribers are engaging with. Knowing how your emails are performing is vital to your email campaign’s longevity. Use an email campaign platform that allows deep-dive analytics through A/B testing. Testing your emails is an entire science in and of itself so research how to set your platform to do the hardest work for your team.

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Successful Email Marketing 48

Before You Go

Remember, your email campaign won’t be perfect. Use analytics to learn and adjust accordingly. Emails are a great way to build rapport with leads and build brand awareness. Follow these tips and let us know how your future email campaign goes!

Please do us a favor. Reach out and let us know if you’re finding these marketing posts useful in your business. Have a suggestion? Let us know!

We have been bringing you loads of social media tips and tricks lately. Your business will inevitably use at least one social media platform to increase engagement and leads. Our partners over at Lucent Creative, a woman-owned digital marketing agency, have kindly taught our team here at Woggle a lot about social media best practices. Now, we’re combining forces to highlight one of our favorite social media management tools—Zoho Social. Let's explode your social media reach!

It’s no secret that here at Woggle, we’re a bit obsessed with Zoho! We are Zoho partners after all. Once you see the perks of Zoho Social, you’ll want to jump into the deep end, too. 

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Bonus Reading: Are you just hearing about Zoho? Take a look through our blog archives to learn all about Zoho’s products. We recommend reading Why Zoho? and  Zoho CRM isn't just for B2B, it's also great for B2C to get started.

What is Zoho Social?

Like other social media management software, Zoho Social allows businesses and agencies of all shapes and sizes to schedule social media content across multiple channels. It also allows your team to view analytics and gain insight into customer behavior, which is the secret sauce to perfecting your social media reach.

Zoho Social gives you what other platforms deliver when it comes to scheduling ability and analytics, but it provides more value than its competitors while costing less. Let’s take a deep dive. 

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Email Marketing Campaign 55

An Overview of Zoho Social Features

Zoho Social has grit and some big names singing its praises. You can see that for yourself below.

social media reach
Increase social media reach with Zoho Social

Not too shabby, right?

Here’s what Zoho Social delivers with a radiant A+:

✔️ Unlimited posts- This is huge since most platforms have strict limits.

✔️ Deep-dive analytics are included- See how your followers are (or aren’t) engaging with your brand. Then, adjust accordingly. 

✔️ Time-predictive posting- the platform suggests the best times to post according to when your ideal audience is active on social.

✔️ Real-time monitoring- don’t miss a comment or mention so you can stay on top of engaging with your audience and generate leads.

While it’s true that these features are common among social media platforms, the truth is you’ll pay less for these awe-inspiring features with Zoho Social than with competitors. We’ve done the math for you.

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Email Marketing Campaign 56

How Zoho Social Compares to Other Social Media Management Platforms

You may have heard of some social media management platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, MeetEdgar, and Sprout Social. These platforms vary widely in price and features. For example, let’s look closely at the overall pricing and how many social media channels are included in the basic packages.

Comparing Zoho Social Base Plan with Competitor Base Plans

SMM Platform# of ChannelsUsersPricing
HootSuite *Professional Plan101$99/mo
Buffer *Essentials Plan11$6/mo per channel
Meet Edgar*Eddie Plan520$29.99/mo
Sprout Social*Standard51$249/mo
Zoho Social*Standard91$10/mo

Zoho Social is generous in its allowance of channels (and unlimited posts). Thankfully, many of these social media management tools offer free trials so you can try them before you commit. Test Zoho Social with their 15-day free trial here.

Our team and clients are continuously impressed with Zoho Social’s in-depth analytics. Having a robust analytics report is the magic of a successful social media strategy. You can make every post “count” when you’re seeing engagement from your efforts.

Use this mini checklist as you shop for a social media management platform:

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Email Marketing Campaign 57

Pro Tip: If you’re still building a social media strategy, we recommend starting with a low-tier plan to best gauge what your marketing team will need and use. For more social media tips, check out this blog post.

Before You Go

Please note that platform comparison information may have changed since the publication of this post. We do our best to provide you with the most updated information but encourage you to check the websites for real-time price and feature comparisons.

Head to Zoho Social’s website for the full list of impressive perks. Zoho Social is especially effective when you’re in sync with Zoho’s other offerings. You can operate an entire business on Zoho! 

If you’re not a Zoho user yet and want to book a free consultation with our team, simply fill out this form. A member of our awesome team will be in touch shortly.

Need a hand with social media reach, engagement and content? Reach out to our partners at  Lucent Creative and tell them Woggle sent you. 

Are you reaching your ideal client on social media? An increase in followers doesn’t always mean they’re engaged with your brand. Small businesses can’t ensure a captive audience when readers have an incredibly short attention span. Short of a “please silence your cell phones” message at the movie theater, your marketing team has to engage your audience through intentional content. (Hey, too bad we can’t pop some popcorn for you as you dig through this blog post.)

So, how do you make the most of your social media marketing efforts? We touched on the basics in 5 Ways to Get Strategic in Your Business Marketing, but today we’re going to touch on the importance of engaging your audience. 

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Engage Your Audience 64

Know Your Audience

“I obviously know my audience.”, you say. 

We trust you but hear us out. 

We’re talking about the difference between knowing your audience and  knowing what makes them tick, what their values are, and how you can build trust with them.

Let’s say you run a property management firm for income property owners.

Knowing you’re marketing to middle-aged people in the suburbs is a great start. Dig deeper and you realize that sure, your services are great for a middle-aged audience in the suburbs, but more specifically—those who have an average income of $150k, are close to retirement and want a done-for-them property management company for when they turn their home into a vacation rental and relocate.

Do you see the difference?

It pays to know your ideal client.

When you zero in on your target audience, you gain the ability to:

Pro tip: You may have a few ideal clients. Create a profile for each ideal client so you’re able to hone in on each specified audience in your marketing campaign.

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Engage Your Audience 65

Create an Engagement Strategy

Solidifying your target audience is half the battle. Now, it’s time to lead with customer service best practices. Engaging with your audience is vital for the success of your business. Even in a high-paced world, we all value quality time. We use the word “strategy” loosely here. The main idea is to create a culture of consistent engagement within your marketing strategy.

Here are some standout examples of excellent engagement across social media.


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Engage Your Audience 66

What’s to love? 

Dove’s team commented on a suggestion for a new product scent. In less than 30 seconds, they validated their follower’s idea and said they’d pass it along. It’s an amazing example of hearing your out audiences and showing that they matter.

San Diego Tourism

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Engage Your Audience 67

What’s to love?

A follower commented that the post didn’t specify the exact location and Visit San Diego took time to clarify. This simple point of engagement not only helped the commenter but anyone else that may have had the same question. Seems simple, right? Engaging with your audience clears up any misunderstandings.

Healthy Mama Kris

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Engage Your Audience 68

What’s to love?

Kris replies to a comment saying the salad dressing recipe will be available in a few days. Engaging your audience creates opportunities to build anticipation for a future offer. Taking time to do this doesn’t just build trust with your followers, but gives them a reason to keep checking in.

Building a Social Media Engagement Strategy

Engagement with your audience is essential to building rapport with them, but how do you engage? Is it really as simple as replying to comments on social media? The short answer is yes! 

We’ve put together some pro tips with our partners over at Lucent Creative.

Visual Engagement Tips

Copy Engagement Tips

PR Tips

Bonus Tips

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Engage Your Audience 69

Wrapping Up

We hope you’re learning from our social media series. Our partners at Lucent Creative are marketing gurus and we appreciate their help with all things marketing! If you haven’t already, go check out other posts in this series. 

An active social media presence is vital for your business’ success.

You likely use at least one social media platform. If you’re not a Facebook fan, you’re probably on LinkedIn networking with other business owners. Maybe you’re obsessed with TikTok and mindlessly scroll on lunch breaks. The truth is, your ideal clients also hang out on social media whether it’s for work or buying some time waiting for their tires to be rotated.

The sheer volume of social media users puts your business at a disadvantage if you’re not showing up where your dream client or customer is.

Let’s check the stats from SproutSocial.

Now, if you’re like us—those astronomical numbers can feel overwhelming. With nearly 5 billion users (yes, BILLION!), where do you even start making a dent in reach?

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Mastering Social Media 77

Here’s an unpopular opinion: start anywhere—somewhere—and do it imperfectly.

The biggest challenge with social media is to nail down consistency and then, check the data to pivot where your ideal client is. We’re going to unpack a few of our tips and tricks with our marketing partners at Lucent Creative to help you get out of an uninspired rut when it comes to social media.

Social Media Tip: Start Small

Pace yourself as a business. 

The thing your ideal client is most drawn to is consistency. Here are a few tips to get your social media strategy working for you:

  1. Choose one or two platforms to focus on for three months. You’ll need this time to assess the data to see what’s “sticking” with your audience.
  1. Be aware of trends, but also–beware of trends. Trending audio for an Instagram reel may get your content seen, but it may not bring you paying clients. 
  2. Be consistent. Post regularly and give your audience an idea of what to expect from your brand. For example, educating readers on your product or service every Thursday will speak to those “on the fence” about committing to a purchase.

Remember, the goal isn’t to conquer all of social media—it’s to find your ideal audience and speak directly to them–turning them into loyal customers, of course!

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Social Media Tip: Interact with Your Followers

A business may have 30,000 followers but fail to interact with people commenting with pressing questions. Nurturing warm leads is vital in any sales pipeline. When you think of social media as an opportunity to build rapport with potential customers, you’ll eagerly answer questions.

Not sure how much time to commit to interacting with followers? Here are a few ways our partners at Lucent Creative suggest tackling the task:

A bit of “small talk” on social accounts can do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to building trust with your audience.

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Social Media Tip: Make it Unique with a Campaign

Here’s where most brands feel pressure. Let’s take a moment to think through this before you create a mental block. Unique doesn’t necessarily mean your brand “outshines” other businesses on social media. The trick here is to create a unique experience for followers. It doesn’t matter how you describe your business—professional, whimsical, approachable, or “pun loving”. 

Campaigns can look like:

Here are some examples of wildly different businesses creating something uniquely engaging for their audiences.


We all want to be inspired and Nike brought all of the good feels with this campaign. It engages the audience and gives them a clear call to action (tag your friends). 

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This campaign does a great job of helping the audience see alternative ways to use their product. You don’t have to be an avid hiker or skydiver to use a GoPro! 

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The Bespoke Craftsman

A smaller business in San Diego hosted an awesome giveaway—a one-of-a-kind accent wall! This is a great example of how a giveaway can engage your audience while getting more eyes on your product or service.

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Seabourn Cruises

Help potential customers by painting a picture of how your product or service will improve their lives. Storytelling, interviews, and other “social proof” are effective ways to “show and tell” your product.

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Wrapping Up

Whether you’re a realtor, consultant, or aspiring to create Nike 2.0, your business needs a social media presence. Take the overwhelm out of the equation by starting small consistent steps. Get in front of your audience and adjust your social media strategy as the data dictates. 

Are you still feeling apprehensive? Our experts can guide you through the process. Get in touch for a free consultation and we’ll happily lend a hand. 

PS: While you’re at it, go ahead and follow us on social!

How would you rate your current Client Relationship Management (CRM) platform? 


What is a CRM?

A Client Management System is the fairy godmother of organizing important client information. Everything from client contact information, where they are in the sales pipeline, invoicing details, and more resides in a CRM. An excellent Client Management system saves your team time, and money, and gives you a healthy return on your investment (ROI for our lingo-loving friends).

Whether you’re just now launching your business or you’ve been in the game for a while, you likely already know the importance of a CRM. 

Here are a few fun facts from Zippia about CRMs to emphasize just how vital they are to your success:

Now that we’ve laid a solid foundation (your business needs one!), we will dive into our favorite–Zoho CRM.

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What is Zoho CRM?

The business management guru Zoho turns customers into raving fans and it’s no wonder why. Zoho offers just about any assistance with your business’s daily operations, from Zoho Sales IQ (their live chat app) to Zoho Books (their user-friendly bookkeeping app). Woggle is a Zoho super fan and certified partner because we have seen the impressive growth tools of Zoho in our business and the businesses of our clients. 

Zoho CRM is user-friendly and has endless tricks up its sleeve. It’s so streamlined and agile for personalization that it feels like a total business hack. 

Here are a few of the perks of Zoho CRM:

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The list goes on and on, which you can find here. Does your CRM do all that? If not, you may be wondering how you can switch over (yesterday!). Let’s walk through a few FAQs first.

Is it Easy to Migrate to Zoho CRM?

We’ve seen the migration process firsthand hundreds of times and we stand behind the process 100%. Not only is it easy to migrate to Zoho CRM, but it’s also safe. Zoho CRM takes the guesswork out of data migration—you don’t have to wonder if files aren’t supported, etc. Each step of the process is mapped and you’re given the prompts to follow for a smooth transition.

Can I Migrate from Salesforce to Zoho CRM?

Yes! We’re happy to tell you that Zoho CRM migrates data from some of the business world’s biggest CRM platforms, including: 

More CRMs are eligible and you can find detailed migration instructions for each platform on Zoho’s site. See, we told you they’re amazing! 

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Aren’t sure if you’re ready for the leap? Read more about how your CRM stacks up against Zoho CRM.

Migrating to Zoho CRM

Going from your CRM to Zoho CRM is easy and Zoho makes it even easier with their step-by-step guides. Depending on which CRM  you’re migrating from, it may take you more time or present unique steps.

The most comprehensive instructions are here.

Zoho’s Migrate Options

Zoho CRM provides a custom-made setup to migrate from Salesforce, other Zoho CRM accounts, Pipedrive, Highrise, Insightly, MS Dynamics, Maximizer, or any other CRM.

You can migrate from Pipedrive, Highrise, Hubspot, and Insightly via API. All you need is the instance URL.

Before You Migrate

We highly recommend checking out Zoho’s notes before you begin the migration process to ensure your team has allocated enough time and resources. Read through Zoho CRM FAQs to get ahead of the ball and troubleshoot before you begin.

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Wrapping Up

If you’re not sure Zoho CRM is for you, take time to explore these Zoho CRM tutorials for a sneak peek behind the scenes. 

While Zoho CRM makes migration easy, we realize your team may be short on time, patience, or a combination of the two! Our experts have years of migration experience and as a Zoho Partner, we know Zoho inside and out. We’re happy to help your team migrate over to Zoho CRM so you can focus on your zone of genius. Get in touch for a consultation. 

There’s something that all businesses have in common—the need for organization. 

We heard that deep sigh from here.

Sure, not all of us have a knack for organization or even an interest in it, but we’ve found an app that helps even the most unmotivated of us to put things in order.

Whether you’re leading a team or are a solopreneur, it’s vital to keep all of your ducks in a row. Today, we’re bringing you a Woggle team favorite—(of course, it’s Zoho). We’re not saying you have to “Marie Kondo” your business, but we do think she’d be a huge fan of Zoho Flow because of its awesome efficiency. Let’s jump in for a quick tour of Zoho Flow and how you can utilize it in your business regardless of size, niche, or current workflow.

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What is Zoho Flow?

Let’s paint a picture.

Imagine having your work and personal tasks and delegation platforms siloed into one glorious app. Instead of getting distracted by constant notifications across various applications, you have a birdseye view of your workflow, pending tasks, and where the rest of your team is on projects. Incoming requests, client inquiries, and time-sensitive tasks are all housed in one, user-friendly data-view.

That’s Zoho Flow.

It looks something like this.

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On the left, you have your integrated apps that are essential to the smooth flow of your daily operations. The workflow is seen at a glance on the right. Now, let’s dig deeper.

Which Apps Integrate with Zoho Flow?

Let’s answer your burning question before we jump into the details of building a workflow inside Zoho Flow. We know you’re wondering, ‘Yeah, great, but does Zoho Flow work with the existing apps that I need for my business?’

We’re going to go out on a limb here and say, “Most likely!” 

Zoho Flow is compatible with 800+ apps!

Here are just a few of the applications Zoho Flow seamlessly integrates with:

If you’re already onboard with Zoho, you’re ahead of the game because Zoho Flow will easily work with the Zoho apps you’re already using!

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Click here for a full list of applications you can use with Zoho Flow.

Bonus Info: Read our blog to learn more about the awesome RingCentral app. Already using Zoho? Learn how to Improve Your Skills Inside Zoho’s The Workflow Academy.

Zoho Flow Key Features

If you’re like us, you have a lot of irons in the fire at any given time. Running a business doesn’t look the same for any two businesses out there, but we can guess you’re managing team communication, marketing efforts, and making sure clients are taken care of—all at the same time. Zoho Flow condenses your ‘to do’ list into one space and gives your team so much flexibility in setting up workflow.

Here are the main attractions:

✔️Personalized Workflows with Triggered Actions

Get your team on the same page at any given time with personalized workflows. Actions can be triggered along the way for each team member to take the lead in the client/project journey. No more manual delegation!

✔️ Seamless Communication Between Apps

Zoho Flow easily communicates between your everyday work apps. Need your CRM to trigger an invoice for a client while also pinging your Marketing Director for a follow-up? No problem! Zoho Flow keeps everything from leads to daily communications in sync.

✔️ Troubleshoot with Ease

Have an overview of your workflows and any hiccups along the way. Seeing everything from a bird’s eye view allows you to fix issues as they arise. No more deep digging for the problem. Also, keep an eye on what’s working for your team and where the workflow can be improved.

Read more about Zoho Flow’s epic features here.

Behind the Scenes

Here’s how custom workflows can work for your team. Imagine it—a workflow that keeps all of your essential apps in one place!

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Wrapping Up

Zoho Flow is basically the fairy godmother of your business operations. It turns a hot mess express into a tangibly smooth-flowing business. Use our direct link to get started. As official Zoho Partners, our team can help you get set up and keep things running smoothly. 

Not sure where to start with Zoho? Reach out to our team for a consultation!
